Vi rekommenderar golvpapp eller max. 2 mm kork under tunna trä- och laminatgolv. Har man ett bra undergolv ligger golvet fastare mot en grålumpapp och ger en bättre ljudupplevelse.
Vill du ha ett riktigt bra resultat rekommenderar vi att man använder underlagskork eller underlagskork med gummi som är 2 mm tjock. Detta ger bättre
ljudegenskaper och en solidare känsla i golvet.
Underlag tjockare än 3mm ska ej användas till våra golv Lightwood, Maxwood och Maxwear.
Our Lightwood and Maxwood are manufactured with genuine wood. This allows the natural colour and beautiful lustre of the wood to come through. Only genuine wood can create the natural variations that make each floorboard unique. Our wood flooring is available in four different types of patterns. We also divide our wood flooring into the grades Nature, which creates a calming pattern, and Unique, which is more lively with rustic knots and a more varied expression.
In our Digital Showroom you can explore our entire range of floors. In our range you can always find something that suites your project. If you need further information about our products or help with your project, you are welcome to contact us